How to use your Mala for meditation?

woman meditating with a rudraksha mala

Different traditions use Malas in different ways. And you can use yours in the way that is most natural and comfortable to you. Here, I will show you the way my teacher taught me and what I have been doing for the past several years.

1. Sit comfortably on a cushion or chair

2. Hold your mala in your right hand between your middle and thumb (the index finger signifies the ego, that’s why we avoid holding the mala with that finger)

3. Let the rest of the beads rest in your left hand or hang freely but away from the floor or your feet

4. Start counting by the first bead at the right of the Guru bead

5. Repeat your mantra, out loud or in your head, use your thumb to move one bead towards you, and go to the next bead. You can also use your mala to count your breath or repeat an affirmation

6. After completing your 108th repetition, do not go over the Guru bead. Spin your Mala and now, that last bead becomes the first for the next round. Complete as many rounds as you want, typically any number between 1 and 10 is a good number

7. After completing your meditation, allow yourself to sit with the remainder vibration of the mantra for a few breaths and slowly come back to your day

How do you use your mala? Let me know in the comments or send me a DM.

With love,



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